Wednesday, February 26, 2014

            When it come to the principles of deign negative space are the areas in or around elements that form there own shape or illusions. It is found between two or more objects and usually has some distinct form or shape sometime noticeable and sometimes not. When designing a work keeping negative space in mind is very important since in plays a major roles in all aspects of the principles of design all good designers try to follow. Negative in this sense does not mean ever or bad just it is o the background and not the in the positive or active space of the design but that does not mean the space is not significant in optimizing the message the designer is trying to express.
The photo I took that shows great use of negative space is the logo for the Federal Express Company. The negative space inside the “E” and “X” of the logo creates an arrow the possibly subconsciously or consciously creates the feeling of movement and hurriedness exactly what Federal Express the delivery company wants to convey to its costumers. The subtleness and brilliance of this arrow created by the negative space of the “E” and “X” is a wonderful example of how the creativity of and design of negative space and be just as important if not more important that then positive space.
Most people never notice the arrow consciously but once it is pointed out they are always amazed by its brilliance and message it conveys. Even in it logo Federal Express is trying to expresses movement, urgency and speed and this that are vital to and delivery company.

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